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Restore & Balance

How It Began - This group has been formed by Kerry Nichols and Lisa Tighe. Between us, we speak to a many women and both felt that there was something missing, when it comes to the menopause - and that thing was support. Both menopausal and both experiencing midlife, we felt that we needed to help other women experiencing similar situations, so we decided to start a group called Restore & Balance for anyone experience the varying stages & symptoms of menopause and mid life

Neither are medically trained but know that we can offer support to others in the form of regular group events, which could be walks, crafting sessions, hollistic or therapy sessions with trained specialists, retreats etc etc

We also have a whatsapp group so if you would like to join that please drop us a text to 07935 892591 and ask to be added

See our Facebook page

Kerry Nichols

Owner Cassini Beauty & Treatment Rooms / Skin Practitioner


Lisa Tighe

Menopause Wellness Coach, EFT Therapist

Dates For Your Diary

Thursday 6th June 24 10:00 AM

Walk & Talk

We will be meeting at Wombourne Railway Cafe, Bratch Lane, Wombourne WV5 9AD. Set off at 10am for a stroll along the railway path - steady 60min stomp - walk & talk. Perhaps you may fancy coffee and a slice of cake after. Bring suitable clothing for the weather and water to drink along the way

Sunday 14th July 24 19:00 PM till 21:00 PM

Restore & Balance

Relaxation, Meditation & Sound Bath. 2 hours of complete relaxation in preparation for the week ahead. Yoga mats are provided but you may wish to bring another for added comfort. Bring comfy blankets, pillows, cushion for legs & water. 20 places available £25 each CLICK HERE TO BOOK

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